Thursday, January 4, 2018

MPF YouTube Videos

Michigan Parkinson Foundation 2017 Symposium Videos

Below are two videos from the 2017 MPF Symposium held at the VanAndel Research Institute in Grand Rapids on Friday September 29th.

Part 1 includes the following speakers and topics:

  1. Updates in Parkinson's Disease Research
    Patrick Brundin, MD PhD
    Profressor and Director of the Center for Neurodegenerative Science 
    Jay Van Andel Endowed Chair in Parkinson's Research
  2. Debunking 10 Myths that May Sabotage Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
    Eric J. Ahlskog, MD PhD, Mayo Clinic
    Profressor of Neurology, Mayo Medical School
    Mayo Clinic Neurology Section of Movement Disorders
  3. Managing Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's
    Christos Sidiropoulis, MD 
    Assistant Profressor Department of Neurology and Opthalmology
    Movement Disorderds Clinic, Michigan State University

Part 2 includes the following speakers and topics:

  1. Mental Health Issues:  Coping with Anxiety, Depression & Sleep Issues And What You Can Do About IT
    Barbara Fisher, PhD, CBSM, Licensed Psychologist/Neuropsychologist,
    Board Certified Behavioral Sleep Medicine
  2. The Role of Rehabilitation in Managing Parkinson's Disease
    Kim Paszkowski, MS, CCC, SLP and LSVT Certified
    Katie Dabkowski, PT, DPT and LSVT Certified
    Judy Overmyer, PT and LSVT Certified
    Mercy Health Hauenstein Neurosciences