Monday, July 24, 2017

Recap of PWR Retreat and DBS update

Hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful summer!

Here is a link to popular PD blogger Frank Church.  In today's post, Frank recaps the PWR Retreat he participated in about 2 months ago.  Needless to say he is sold on the benefits of exercise and specifically PWR...

Frank Church Blog

Also, I wanted to give everyone an update post-DBS:

 Well, I met with my Movement Disorder specialist in late June for the next tweaking of the DBS, and she was very optimistic.  She mentioned something about things “clicking in” at about the 6 month mark.  She eluded to the possibility that the brain adjusts to all of this new stimuli over time. 

Anyway, I have settled in to a pattern in which I add a “rescue” Sinemet every once in a while, when my Rytary wears off too soon – so as to get a quick “pick me up” to avoid an OFF episode.

I seem to be able to balance diet, meds, and DBS setting to be ON almost all day.  And my ON is much better than it had been before the DBS surgery (much less dyskinesia, far greater stamina).  As an example of the improvement, I participate in a golf outing every June with some high school buddies.  Last year I did not feel all that well, and only golfed 18 holes on Friday, 18 holes on Saturday, and 18 holes on Sunday.  This year, I was able to golf 36 holes on Friday, 36 holes on Saturday, and 18 holes on Sunday  -  and felt pretty  good through it all.  At one point, one of my classmates commented that I seemed much less jittery (dyskinetic), than I had last year. 

Another indication of the improvement was my ability to drive up north yesterday.  It has been years since I felt confident driving on the freeway.  I drove for 2 ½ hours yesterday without feeling dyskinetic or off.  It felt awesome.

Anyway, it has not been perfect (I still experience OFF episodes), but there has been significant improvement.