Monday, February 10, 2020

Strengthening the Patient-Care Partner Relationship

Strengthening the Patient-Care Partner Bond

A vital part of managing any chronic disease is to ensure that the patient and their care partner(s) respect each other and work together as a team.  Session 7 of our PD SELF program focuses on how to ensure Patients with Parkinson's (PWPs) and their Care Partners (CPs)  are BOTH getting what they need emotionally, psychologically, and physically.  Toward this goal we will be developing mindfulness, reflection and journaling skills.  Reminder:  Session 7 has been swapped with Session 6 to accommodate guest speakers for Session 6, so February's meeting will be focused on the PWP-CP relationship.   

Care Partnership

The Care Partner is extremely impactful in the well-being of their loved one with Parkinson's. So, it is vital that the Care Partner is aware of some possible pitfalls to avoid in this journey.  Here is just a subset of pitfalls that CPs can fall into:
  • Becoming a Care Giver not Partner
  • Getting Burned Out (Physically or Emotionally)
  • Letting PD define your life 
  • Many others...

We will address these pitfalls, and open lines of communications between PWPs and CPs as part of our February session.  Just a reminder:  we meet Wednesday February 19th, from Noon - 3pm in the Michigan Parkinson Foundation building.  See ya on the 19th!